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The following is a list of novels, books and plays that were turned into films screened at the ACFPL Film Society.
Search the Library catalog for titles listed below.
- All Quiet On The Western Front - the novel
- All The President's Men
- American Prometheus - (Oppenheimer)
- Blazing Guns On The Chisolm Trail - (Red River)
- Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? - the graphic novel (Blade Runner)
- The Elephant Man
- The Elephant Man - a play
- The French Connection: A True Account Of Cops, Narcotics, And International Conspiracy
- Glengarry Glen Ross - a play
- Go Down Together: The True, Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde
- The Godfather - the novel
- Gone With The Wind - the novel
- The Ice Storm - a novel
- Jaws - a novel
- L.A. Confidential - the novel
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - the novel
- The Player - a novel
- Road To Perdition - the original graphic novel
- Seven Pillars Of Wisdom - (Lawrence Of Arabia)
- The Shining
- Shutter Island - the novel
- A Thousand Clowns - a comedy in three acts